View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002822unrealircdpublic2007-05-17 07:26
Reporterultraviolet Assigned Tostskeeps 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformi386OSFreeBSDOS Version6.0-p4
Product Version3.2.4 
Fixed in Version3.3-alpha0 
Summary0002822: Support DSA (or DSA+RSA) certificates/keyfiles
DescriptionI recently setup some DSA keys instead of the usual RSA keys
on a newly installed FreeBSD machine. The DSA keys refused to work
and the SSL port wouldn't send anything out when you connected to it.

I repeated this on 3.2.3 aswell, since I tried the ports install.

I compiled in SSL, zlib.
Steps To ReproduceSet yourself up as a CA.

openssl dsaparam -out /tmp/dsaparam -genkey 2048
openssl gendsa -out /tmp/dsa.key /tmp/dsaparam
openssl req -config /home/ultraviolet/CA/cnf/openssl.cnf -new -key /tmp/dsa.key -out /tmp/dsa.csr
openssl ca -config /home/ultraviolet/CA/cnf/openssl.cnf -in /tmp/dsa.csr -keyfile /home/ultraviolet/CA/keys/ca.key -cert /home/ultraviolet/CA/certs/ca.crt -out /tmp/dsa.crt

And use the dsa.(crt|key) files.

TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules



2006-02-16 19:25

reporter   ~0011255

i'm sure it says somewhere that unreal only supports RSA keys


2006-05-30 06:14

administrator   ~0011798

Retagged from major to feature, renamed to 'Support DSA (or DSA+RSA) certificates/keyfiles'


2006-08-02 15:39

reporter   ~0012113

is this getting done still? :P


2006-08-02 18:00

administrator   ~0012121

I'm keeping it in the bugtracker and not rejecting it, if that's what you mean. No you won't get an ETA.. at all.. :P.


2007-05-13 12:52

reporter   ~0014118

For takers:

DHparams are needed it seems:
SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh() to enable the DH cipher suites - loading DH parameters.. Seems like it is the only thing needed to implement DSA connections.


2007-05-17 07:25

reporter   ~0014154

Implemented in .2407, with PEM files - please check if this works.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-02-15 12:57 ultraviolet New Issue
2006-02-16 19:25 djGrrr Note Added: 0011255
2006-05-30 06:14 syzop Note Added: 0011798
2006-05-30 06:14 syzop Severity major => feature
2006-05-30 06:14 syzop Summary DSA keys prevent SSL ports from working. => Support DSA (or DSA+RSA) certificates/keyfiles
2006-08-02 15:39 stskeeps Note Added: 0012113
2006-08-02 18:00 syzop Note Added: 0012121
2007-04-19 04:50 stskeeps Status new => acknowledged
2007-05-13 12:52 stskeeps Note Added: 0014118
2007-05-17 07:25 stskeeps Status acknowledged => resolved
2007-05-17 07:25 stskeeps Fixed in Version => 3.3-alpha0
2007-05-17 07:25 stskeeps Resolution open => fixed
2007-05-17 07:25 stskeeps Assigned To => stskeeps
2007-05-17 07:25 stskeeps Note Added: 0014154