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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002972unrealircdpublic2007-04-27 04:01
Reporteraquanight Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Platformx86OSLinux GentooOS Version2.6.12
Product Version3.2.5 
Summary0002972: Real Command Aliases: No error on empty parameter list
DescriptionMost commands give the "not enough parameters" error when no parameters are given but the command requires one. Real command aliases simply fail silently.
Steps To Reproducealias testcmd {
    format "." {
        command "NOTICE";
        type real;
        parameters "$*.net %1-";
    type command;

Try this alias with no parameters. You get no error, reply, or message of any kind. It should probably give the ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, though this wouldn't be appropriate for other "no formats match" cases.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-06-14 22:32 aquanight New Issue
2007-04-27 04:01 stskeeps Status new => acknowledged