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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003028unrealircdpublic2007-05-17 04:00
ReporterstskeepsAssigned Tostskeeps 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
OSAllOS VersionAll 
Product Version3.3-alpha0 
Fixed in Version3.3-alpha0 
Summary0003028: Perhaps more intelligent handling of listener-accept
DescriptionI've noticed we only run accept() once per hint from select there's activity on the socket. The argument against not doing this, is that we should prioritize existing connections - but we could probably look into trying to accept up to listen backlog since they're obviously laying there for possible fast processing
TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules



2006-08-20 06:34

administrator   ~0012193

I noticed this as well during my tests and actually concluded the same (your first part): it's probably a good idea how it currently is now we're giving existing connections priority over accepting.
That said, one per read_message() is not much, I agree.. so yeah.. maybe we should just do it for ... < backlog.
BUT, I usually put backlog quite high (like 30, or 50), and I wouldn't want it to try to accept 30 - 50 connections in one read_message(). So another value would be more appropriate, maybe even an arbitrary value like ehm.. 5 (configurable) :P.
I'm not sure yet, needs some thought :P


2007-05-17 04:00

reporter   ~0014148

Last edited: 2007-05-17 04:00

Implemented in .2404 - Could someone test how unreal reacts under load now - as in, connecting floods

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-08-19 21:11 stskeeps New Issue
2006-08-20 06:34 syzop Note Added: 0012193
2007-04-27 03:37 stskeeps Status new => acknowledged
2007-05-17 04:00 stskeeps Status acknowledged => resolved
2007-05-17 04:00 stskeeps Fixed in Version => 3.3-alpha0
2007-05-17 04:00 stskeeps Resolution open => fixed
2007-05-17 04:00 stskeeps Assigned To => stskeeps
2007-05-17 04:00 stskeeps Note Added: 0014148
2007-05-17 04:00 stskeeps Note Edited: 0014148