View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003216unrealircdpublic2007-04-24 04:23
ReporterdjGrrr Assigned Tostskeeps 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platform*OS*OS Version*
Product Version3.2.6 
Summary0003216: ./Config script does not display saved ssl and zip dirs
DescriptionWhen you run ./Config for a second time after settings are saved in config.settings, the SSLDIR and ZIPLINKSDIR defaults are basically completely ignored.

I have attached a patch to fix this issue :)
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
3rd party modules



2007-04-20 06:53

reporter   ~0013615

tested - worked ;)


2007-04-22 10:11

reporter   ~0013629

Isn't this partly because people are supposed to be able to just hit enter and have unreal use the ssl/zlib from system library and include paths, instead of telling unreal to look somewhere specific?


2007-04-22 10:29

reporter   ~0013630

if you wanted to do that, you'd do it on the original ./Config


2007-04-22 19:10

reporter   ~0013633

But you might not have had them in system library/include paths at the time, or might have had them somewhere nonstandard and later moved to standard locations. With this change, when that happens you'd have to kill the Config settings.

Though I suppose we could compromise and say that a value of just "/" or something that's otherwise an invalid directory name means use system locations (since it's unlikely that /ssl.h, etc will actually exist), and that blank means use previous (which if none is initially /). Or just scan for system versions and if they exist ask to use them as a yes/no.


2007-04-24 04:23

reporter   ~0013648

Fixed in .2365

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-01-27 19:37 djGrrr New Issue
2007-01-27 19:37 djGrrr File Added: config_sslzipdirfix.patch
2007-04-19 03:21 stskeeps Status new => acknowledged
2007-04-19 18:51 stskeeps Status acknowledged => confirmed
2007-04-20 06:53 Bock Note Added: 0013615
2007-04-22 10:11 aquanight Note Added: 0013629
2007-04-22 10:29 djGrrr Note Added: 0013630
2007-04-22 19:10 aquanight Note Added: 0013633
2007-04-24 04:23 stskeeps Status confirmed => resolved
2007-04-24 04:23 stskeeps Resolution open => fixed
2007-04-24 04:23 stskeeps Assigned To => stskeeps
2007-04-24 04:23 stskeeps Note Added: 0013648