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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006270unrealircdpublic2023-05-16 05:14
Reporterdktmb Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
OSdebianOS Version11 
Product Version6.0.6 
Summary0006270: SPAMFILTER/Action : viruschan has stranges behaviors and we're unable to free users trapped
DescriptionI have tested a rule with spamfilter with action viruschan. When some link is sent, the user is trapped and correctly isolated in the viruschan.


At the same time, user can see these returns (depends of what his client does when it opens a new chan) :
17:01:42 i : MODE: Unknown command
17:01:44 i : WHO: Unknown command

And since he's trapped, all what he wants to do returns an error "Unknown command" :
17:02:03 i : PING: Unknown command
17:05:14 i: Notice: Unknown command
And almost every 20secondes, the user has a return "unknown command" :
(depends of his client and his raw's treatment I guess)
 - On kiwiirc we just see "Unknown command"
 - On weechat, there's no return (or not shown) but after 5mn the lag is enough to be disconnected by client :
17:07:03 i : irc : le lag est élevé, déconnexion du serveur
17:07:03 i : irc : déconnecté du serveur
 - On Kvirc we see "NOTICE : unknown command" (user didn't sent any notice) :
[17:18:41] [erreur] NOTICE Commande invalide
[17:19:01] [erreur] NOTICE Commande invalide
[17:19:21] [erreur] NOTICE Commande invalide


The other side, the user seems not to be shuned or tempshuned :
 - No shuned info in his whois
 - Stats s is empty
 - /shun or /tempshun -nick return that the user is not shuned/tempshuned

And there is no way to free the user :
 - shun/tempshun -nick returns is not shuned
 - Kick or sapart him changes nothing, user is just stuck in the void no way to rejoin viruschan neither

Only solution is to deco/reco.

Reproductible every time

Thanks for reading :)
Steps To ReproduceJust let an user to trapped by spamfilter with viruschan action
Additional InformationThe spamfilter rule is simple, just a test and works no depends the match or target :
spamfilter {
    matc-type simple;
    target { private; channel; private-notice; channel-notice; }
    action viruschan;
    reason "Test_spamfilter";
    match "htt*://*highate.*";

3rd party modules



2023-05-04 17:37

reporter   ~0022850

Forget to say :

The user can well write/read on the viruschan. No problem on this side.


2023-05-04 18:14

reporter   ~0022851

I can confirm the issue.

The user seems to be kind of 'tempshunned', but an `/WHOIS <nick>` doesn't show the user as shunned, `/tempshun -<nick>` throws a " User '<nick>' is not shunned" and the mask doesn't appear on `/STATS s`.

Reconnecting to the network fix the problem, behaving exactly as a tempshun.


2023-05-10 08:37

administrator   ~0022857

Last edited: 2023-05-10 08:38

Viruschan is different than a shun or tempshun, but also similar. It puts a user in a single channel and disables almost all other commands, which is why the client receives all those "Unknown commands". It is not used much and I think there are certainly areas possible to improve things of the experience. I must confess that is not top-priority, but now we have bug entry about it :D

As for freeing a user from viruschan, indeed, reconnecting is the only way at the moment.


2023-05-16 05:14

reporter   ~0022859

Hum... Let me see...
...Viruschan improvements vs Unrealircd update & Webpanel creation.... Hum...
Yeah... ok, seems fair enough for this time ! :x

Thanks for replying.
We have time ;)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-05-04 17:34 dktmb New Issue
2023-05-04 17:34 dktmb Tag Attached: bug
2023-05-04 17:34 dktmb Tag Attached: spamfilter
2023-05-04 17:37 dktmb Note Added: 0022850
2023-05-04 18:14 PeGaSuS Note Added: 0022851
2023-05-10 08:37 syzop Note Added: 0022857
2023-05-10 08:38 syzop Note Edited: 0022857
2023-05-10 08:38 syzop Status new => acknowledged
2023-05-16 05:14 dktmb Note Added: 0022859
2023-05-16 05:14 dktmb Tag Detached: bug