View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006392unrealircdpublic2024-06-14 10:53
ReporterJellis Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0006392: Add function to IRCd to search IRCd logs (for example /logsearch)
DescriptionPlease consider integrating a log search feature similar to Anope's /OS LOGSEARCH directly into UnrealIRCd. This would empower operators to efficiently search logs within the IRC environment, enhancing server management and monitoring.

Of course, we can specify a file in our logblock as destination (e.g., ircd.log) and define what to log, or even designate a channel as a destination and what to log. However, it might be beneficial to expand logblock functionality to include a 'command' destination. This would enable operators to use a command like /logsearch for easy and quick searches, streamlining the process compared to using the web panel or to SSH into server/grep inside logs.

The command should be restricted to Operators (guess that's a no brainer). It should support basic wildcard searches, such as *connecting*IP* of *kick*#channel* at minimum, and provide corresponding output with its full timestamp on IRC itself. Additionally, the ability to set the retention period within the logblock (e.g., maxdays 7), or determine size (like file destination maxsize), would be advantageous. It can be in memory or even a seperate file logsearch.log or something where /logsearch finds it's data...

All idea's on this and how to implement, or even, if to implement are welcome offcourse!
TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules



2024-03-21 17:34

reporter   ~0023149

Might also add file destination option { type command; } if that option is enabled the /logsearch will grep from that file and output to IRC... Don't know what you guys think of the idea and how to implement but I feel it can be usefull.


2024-06-14 10:53

administrator   ~0023219

I'm not sure about this, I think the web interface is more appropriate for this. I doesn't really rule out the other, but....

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-21 17:23 Jellis New Issue
2024-03-21 17:34 Jellis Note Added: 0023149
2024-06-14 10:53 syzop Note Added: 0023219