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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006437unrealircdpublic2025-02-15 12:43
ReporterValware Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0006437: Request for: Spamfilter block option for `block-no-warn` or `notice`.
DescriptionSpamfilter has been improved quite heavily over the past few years.
Since now it does so much more than filtering messages for potential bad things, such as letting you set tags, and have a `raw` target option, I think it'd be great to have the option be able to make a spamfilter not generate a hit notice at all.
Additionally, I'd like to request being able to use spamfilter to send a notice, since with the addition of tags, we could (with a notice option) make such a customization where the admin can make a timed notice send to a person with no account ~30 mins after they connected saying how to register if they want. This would increase customizability.
As for block-no-warn, for example, if someone might use spamfilter to create a lot it could get a little messy on bigger networks, especially if they are restricting things they don't need a notice for every time someone tries to use it.
TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules



2024-07-19 17:02

administrator   ~0023279

The "not generate a hit notice at all" (so no server notice to ircops / log message)... i thought we already do that if there is no action, like if there is only a spamfilter::rule.
But.. yeah.. what you mean is different. Like blocking NS IDENTIFY or something but without revealing user passwords. Yeah some option would be nice. I think for config it would be nicer to make it a separate item, though. Like but then a spamfilter::show-message-content-on-hit (well, something shorter probably).
I mean, someone will ask for it for actions other than block :).
Though that leaves open the question for how to do it on the SPAMFILTER command line. Maybe just don't worry about that for now, and introduce it config-based first.

(Did not read or comment on the other half)


2025-02-15 12:43

administrator   ~0023425

Not really what you asked but I have added spamfilter::show-message-content-on-hit
commit 094efeee25d89458a0fb447c7a236b5d252852e6
Author: Bram Matthys <[email protected]>
Date: Sat Feb 15 12:13:59 2025 +0100

    Add spamfilter::show-message-content-on-hit to override on a spamfilter basis.
    This works the same as set::spamfilter::show-message-content-on-hit
    but per spamfilter { } in the conf.
    Indirectly suggested in

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-07-19 09:58 Valware New Issue
2024-07-19 17:02 syzop Note Added: 0023279
2025-02-15 12:43 syzop Note Added: 0023425