View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001518unrealircdpublic2007-06-09 22:30
ReporterCnils Assigned ToWolfSage  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformanyOSanyOS Versionany
Product Version3.2-RC2 
Summary0001518: Way to list users outside any channel and improved who functionality
DescriptionI'd like to be able to list all users that's not in any channel. It could be implemented as a new who flag.

I also want to be able to do this:
"/who +h *.domain.tld && +n *foo*" to get a list of all users with foo in the nick connecting from *.domain.tld.
That is, to be able to get a list based on more than one criteria. Anding or Oring them together.
Additional Information[*Syzop*: who flag for not-in-any-channel suggestion accepted, other requests are rejected or already exist, ETA: post-3.2]
TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules


has duplicate 0002361 closed /who flag for users on no channels 



2004-02-04 10:19

reporter   ~0004866

For your second wish: "/who +hn *.domain.tld *foo*" simply does what you want, only ORing would not work this way.


2004-02-04 22:29

reporter   ~0004871

Yay! The first is a good idea... It's always good to see who's lurking... some people only like pm'ing you know...


2004-02-04 22:31

reporter   ~0004872

having or support seems useless, just use two /who's.


2007-06-09 22:30

reporter   ~0014295

Added in .2429. /who +c with no arguments now shows all users who are not in any channels.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-02-04 08:18 Cnils New Issue
2004-02-04 10:19 AngryWolf Note Added: 0004866
2004-02-04 22:29 w00t Note Added: 0004871
2004-02-04 22:31 codemastr Note Added: 0004872
2004-04-08 10:12 syzop Status new => acknowledged
2004-04-08 10:12 syzop Product Version 3.2-beta19 => 3.2-RC2
2004-04-08 10:12 syzop Additional Information Updated
2005-02-22 20:14 syzop Relationship added has duplicate 0002361
2007-06-09 22:30 WolfSage Note Added: 0014295
2007-06-09 22:30 WolfSage Assigned To => WolfSage
2007-06-09 22:30 WolfSage Status acknowledged => resolved
2007-06-09 22:30 WolfSage Resolution open => fixed