View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000035unrealircdpublic2015-07-19 18:55
ReporterstskeepsAssigned Tosyzop  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Version3.2-beta12 
Summary0000035: Make
Description./update or update.exe would look up this site, download a list of updates, perhaps add some form goodies

./update in old still downloads from, we change this to a shell script that downloads update.c, compiles it, and replaces ./update script with it
Steps To ReproduceWork out update format
TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules



2002-01-11 00:54

reporter   ~0000038

Well since I did some work with update.exe already, lemme give you the format I've been using. Each update is specified by the text followed by a CRLF or LF. The format for the information is as follows:

<platform> <method> <location> <parameters> <released_at> <valid_for> <name> <description>

Platform is the OS (valid: win32, unix, amiga)

Method is the protocol used to retrieve the file (valid: (for windows) http, ftp (for unix) cvs, http (for amiga) http)

Location is <method> specific, if method is http then this is a URL specifying the location of the file, if method is ftp it should be an ftp url, if method is cvs, this should be a standard cvs string ex., :pserver:[email protected]:/home/cmunk/cvsroot

Parameters is (as far as I can see) only needed for CVS, this is a comma seperated list of the parameters to send to the CVS server to retrieve the update. If no parameters are required this should be the character string NULL.

Released_at is a unix time string that specifies the time which the patch was released.

Valid_for is a comma seperated list of the versions for which this update is valid.

Name is the name that will be displayed to the user who is preforming the update.

Description is a brief description about what the update does such as what bug it fixes, major features added, etc.

Thats just my ideas, definately needs more suggestions/revisions to work perfectly, but it's a start.


2007-04-17 05:52

reporter   ~0013474

Any plans to implement this in the next few years? :)


2007-04-17 17:02

reporter   ~0013481

Doable. But downloading a whole new version and recompiling the whole thing again isn't my idea of an update. The server would keep a list of the changed files in the latest version, and the update script would only download/replace and recompile these files only.

This is something I would really like to do, even with a GUI in Qt.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-04-17 05:52 penna Note Added: 0013474
2007-04-17 17:02 Grunt Note Added: 0013481
2015-07-19 18:55 syzop Status feedback => closed
2015-07-19 18:55 syzop Assigned To => syzop
2015-07-19 18:55 syzop Resolution open => no change required