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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003665unrealircdpublic2015-07-26 03:33
Reporterfoert Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Platformn/aOSn/aOS Versionn/a
Product Version3.2.6 
Summary0003665: Numeric 972 :channel is +Q
DescriptionThis is returned when attempting a KICK and channel mode +Q causes refusal.
The channel name isn't included in the reply, which makes it less reliable to couple a sent command to a received response.
Usually, numerics for channel-specific commands do contain the channel name.
For example, raw 482 is <mynick> <channel> You're not channel operator.

A similar case, but not as problematic, is raw 974 <mynick> <flag> <nick> is a channel admin/owner/network service, which is a failure raw for a MODE command, it's somewhat less obvious as the 972 but it could also have the channel name since MODE is bound to a channel.
Another remark about this 974 one is that the <flag> parameter doesnt have + or -, just the flag character itself, at the moment I use a ? wildcard before it, but there is surely a bigger chance for mismatching the returned message to the command that was sent.

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2015-07-24 04:42

reporter   ~0018561

Last edited: 2015-07-26 03:33

Numeric 972 is an extension of numeric 482 based on my knowledge. But should we add the #channel parameter for numeric 972 just because they serve the same purpose? Doesn't seem difficult from my side.

Edit: It is also worth noting that mIRC displays numeric 482 on the channel's window hence omitting the #channel parameter.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-03-15 15:12 foert New Issue
2013-01-09 10:51 syzop Status new => acknowledged
2015-07-24 04:42 dboyz Note Added: 0018561
2015-07-24 04:43 dboyz Note Edited: 0018561
2015-07-26 03:33 dboyz Note Edited: 0018561