View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005919unrealinstallingpublic2023-09-09 10:42
Reporterwestor Assigned Tosyzop  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.2.0 
Fixed in Version6.1.2-rc2 
Summary0005919: ./unrealircd module upgrade doesn't display all successfully upgraded modules

I saw a random issue that when someone pushed on unrealircd/contrib some modules updates then i use "./unrealircd module upgrade" and instead to display 3 of them that have been updated it displayed only 1 but the strange part is that 3 of them have been upgraded successfully.

Console Log:

- Thanks!
Steps To Reproduce1. Push some modules upgrades on unrealircd/contrib
2. Use ./unrealircd module upgrade
3. Check console to see how many modules have been upgraded
4. Check on IRC /module to see if match.
TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules



2021-07-03 14:41

reporter   ~0022080

Something extra related.

In the following log, you are gonna see that i first did "./unrealircd module list" and as you can see there, there are 3 modules marked as "inst/UPD" that means need update, after that a command "./unrealircd module upgrade" used to update these modules, the issue is that in the console showing only the first updating module data and not the others and in the final result report it says 1 module(s) has been upgraded.



2023-09-09 10:01

administrator   ~0023020

Indeed, I am seeing the exact same behavior.


2023-09-09 10:42

administrator   ~0023021

Fixed, thanks for the report :).

commit 35e5d99e32b6b980adfaa1e86fbc7105d8a68c59 (HEAD -> unreal60_dev, origin/unreal60_dev, origin/HEAD)
Author: Bram Matthys <>
Date: Sat Sep 9 10:38:46 2023 +0200

    './unrealircd module upgrade' only showed output for one module upgrade,
    even when multiple modules were upgraded.
    Actually not sure about the cause and how this is possible, but running
    'make install' only once at the end is the solution, which is something
    that should be done that way anyway.
    Reported by westor in

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-06-20 18:43 westor New Issue
2021-07-03 14:41 westor Note Added: 0022080
2023-09-09 10:01 syzop Assigned To => syzop
2023-09-09 10:01 syzop Status new => confirmed
2023-09-09 10:01 syzop Note Added: 0023020
2023-09-09 10:42 syzop Status confirmed => resolved
2023-09-09 10:42 syzop Resolution open => fixed
2023-09-09 10:42 syzop Fixed in Version => 6.1.2-rc2
2023-09-09 10:42 syzop Note Added: 0023021