View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006281unrealircdpublic2024-06-06 17:46
Reporteracidvegas Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Summary0006281: Allow commas in "port" or multiplie "port" lines in listen{} blocks
DescriptionI think the "port" option for listen{} blocks should allow commas or multiple "port" lines

Rather than having:
listen {
    ip *;
    port 6660-6669;
    options { clientsonly; }
listen {
    ip *;
    port 9000;
    options { clientsonly; }

we should be able to do:
listen {
    ip *;
    port 6660-6669, 7000;
    options { clientsonly; }
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related to 0006419 resolvedsyzop Multiple ports in one listen block 



2023-06-13 01:23

reporter   ~0022897

9000 should be 7000 in the example *


2023-07-02 19:34

administrator   ~0022937

Pegasus also had a more fitting conf style suggestion that builds upon this idea, something like: port { 6667-6670; 8000; }

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-06-13 01:22 acidvegas New Issue
2023-06-13 01:23 acidvegas Note Added: 0022897
2023-07-02 19:34 syzop Note Added: 0022937
2023-09-17 12:07 syzop Status new => acknowledged
2024-06-06 17:46 syzop Relationship added related to 0006419