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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006311unrealircdpublic2023-07-23 18:55
Reporteruser7720Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Summary0006311: More max length customizations.
DescriptionYou already allow some maximum lengths to be set in the config, however are missing the following,

Maximum Channel Name Length is hard-coded to 32 characters, Insp this is customizable and defaults to 64.
Maximum Modes per line is hard-coded to 12, Insp this is customizable and defaults to 20.
Maximum Real Name/Gecos length is hard-coded to 50, Insp this is customizable and defaults to 128.

Moot point ones, but will be listed for completeness:

Maximum hostname/ident is hard-coded to 10, Insp this is customizable. Moot point as mIRC limits the ident to 10 chars anyway.
Maximum nick is hard-coded to 30 characters, Insp you can go higher.
TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules



2023-07-17 11:47

reporter   ~0022963

Maximum Channel Name Length is hard-coded to 32 characters, Insp this is customizable and defaults to 64.

if you allow channels up to 64 characters, you're stealing 32 characters from the message length that the user can send.

Maximum Modes per line is hard-coded to 12, Insp this is customizable and defaults to 20.

I could see the usefulness of this being customizable and I second it.

Maximum Real Name/Gecos length is hard-coded to 50, Insp this is customizable and defaults to 128.

I have no strong opinion about this one.

Maximum hostname/ident is hard-coded to 10, Insp this is customizable. Moot point as mIRC limits the ident to 10 chars anyway.

I don't think it's worthy to change the default behaviour especially since most of the IRC clients will already limit it, probably?

Maximum nick is hard-coded to 30 characters, Insp you can go higher.

In conjunction with the max channel length this would significantly reduce the length of a message that a user could send, leading to more message splitting.


2023-07-23 18:54

administrator   ~0022974

Last edited: 2023-07-23 18:55

Yeah, exactly what PeGaSuS says, and for some reasons when people see limits they all just go set everything higher but they don't realize that they are now cutting off message lengths more and more. Also 32 is not like unreasonably low. In addition, I have seen very few (if any? well probably there was someone at some point in time) requests for higher limits of channel length or nick length, especially after you tell them the downsides I doubt they want to persist.

Realname length I can totally understand, it is a good suggestion. I can have a look at that, not just being able to configure it but also have a thought about the current default. With the newer server traffic length options introduced a few months ago we no longer have it cut off between servers (provided they are modern enough, and otherwise, not really a big issue if realname is cut off).

I don't think we need to make username/ident configurable, as you say, it's not really that useful.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-07-17 05:14 user7720 New Issue
2023-07-17 11:47 PeGaSuS Note Added: 0022963
2023-07-23 18:54 syzop Note Added: 0022974
2023-07-23 18:55 syzop Status new => acknowledged
2023-07-23 18:55 syzop Note Edited: 0022974