View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006395unrealircdpublic2024-07-09 16:21
ReporterValware Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0006395: Please add the possibility for using set <security group>::restrict-commands
DescriptionIt would be super cool to be able to restrict commands per security-group.

set unknown-users {
  restrict-commands {
    list { except { identified yes; } }
    private-message { except { identified yes; } }
    private-notice { except { identified yes; } }
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2024-03-23 18:08

administrator   ~0023154

The ::except item is a Mask item, so you can already use security-group there.

But what you suggest is possibly more intuitive. Although I am not 100% sure if it wouldn't be more confusing in the end if you have like multiple security group matches, skipping the original set block, having security group selectors within this suggestion.. etc... but will think about it!


2024-03-23 18:11

reporter   ~0023155

Well, I do like the fact you can use a mask item in the security-group block so you can match other security-groups. �


2024-07-09 16:01

reporter   ~0023253



2024-07-09 16:21

reporter   ~0023254

A scenario came up today where this would be the only method I can think of to achieve their goal.

The scenario being to restrict use of JOIN for a delay after connect but only for a small subset of users based on IP address masks. The restrict-commands::except::connect-time option would provide the delay, but then how would you limit that to only be applied to users matching a specific IP mask?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-23 16:32 Valware New Issue
2024-03-23 18:08 syzop Note Added: 0023154
2024-03-23 18:11 Valware Note Added: 0023155
2024-07-09 16:01 Jobe Note Added: 0023253
2024-07-09 16:21 Jobe Note Added: 0023254