View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006397unrealdocumentationpublic2024-06-30 19:03
ReporterValware Assigned Tosyzop  
PrioritynormalSeveritytrivialReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version6.1.4 
Summary0006397: Documentation for require-authentication says you can use a mask but you can't
DescriptionThe require-authentication code seems to require an IP or host, and using a Mask item like the documentation suggests gives an error.
TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules


has duplicate 0006319 resolvedsyzop "ban user" and "require authentication" is not a mask item 



2024-04-07 08:04

administrator   ~0023166

Yeah, my mistake, both ban user { } and require authentication { } don't support the new verbose mask item, only a user@host.
I have updated the documentation yesterday to no longer claim it is a "mask item".

To make it a real "mask item" is now tracked in 0006319.


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-06 17:47 Valware New Issue
2024-04-07 08:04 syzop Assigned To => syzop
2024-04-07 08:04 syzop Status new => resolved
2024-04-07 08:04 syzop Resolution open => fixed
2024-04-07 08:04 syzop Note Added: 0023166
2024-06-30 19:03 syzop Relationship added has duplicate 0006319