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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006500unrealircdpublic2025-02-26 20:14
Reporterrafaelgrether Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version6.1.10-rc1 
Summary0006500: Improve set::best-practices adding only-tls-port directive.
DescriptionHey guys,

Today, nearly all IRC clients support TLS. Almost all types of communication nowadays run over a TLS tunnel, and using an insecure plaintext port doesn't seem to make much sense from a security standpoint.

So I suggest add the directive only-tls-port (or another suggestive name) inside the set::best-practices block, to warn when a listen {} block doesn't have options { tls; } defined.
I think that nowadays, the use of TLS should be a standard to be adopted.

Thinking about that, I also suggest leaving the listen{} on port 6667 commented out in the example.conf.


Sugestive examples:

/* Standard IRC port 6667
 * Insecure plaintext - Not Recommended */
//listen {
// ip *;
// port 6667;

set {
    best-practices {
        /* Warn when an oper::password is plaintext in the config (not hashed).
         * At a later time it may also warn about plaintext passwords elsewhere.
        hashed-passwords yes;

        /* Warn when a listen {} block doesn't have options { tls; }
         * due to insecure plaintext.
        only-tls-port yes;
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-26 20:14 rafaelgrether New Issue