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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003101unrealircdpublic2006-11-01 08:00
Reporteravb Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
OSAnyOS VersionAny 
Product Version3.2.6 
Summary0003101: Suggestion about cyrillic nicks
DescriptionUnreal can operate with nicks that contain cyrillic and other not-ascii characters, but it not see difference between capital and non-capital letters:

for example - 2 nicks with ASCII chars - 'test' and 'Test' - works fine, unreal thinks that 2 nicks are identical, and it's not possible to take those 2 nicks in the same time.

but with non-ascii characters there are some problem - for example 2 russian nicks - 'òåñò' and 'Òåñò' - unreal thinks that this is 2 different nicks, and allow to take both in the same time, that cause some confusion, - users can have nicks 'òåñò', 'Òåñò', 'òÅñò', 'ÒÅÑÒ', 'òåñÒ' - in the same time.

maybe this can be solved with corrected touppertab[]/tolowertab[] arrays, but it also adds problems with languages that uses not windows-1251 codepage...

and another moment, with ukrainian nicks - ukrainian language has no characters 'ÛûÚú', and now it is not possible use "pure-ukrainian" nick without source modification.

'ÀÁÂÃ¥ÄŪÆÇȲ¯ÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÜÞßàáâã´äåºæç賿éêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùüþÿ' (alphabetical order)

russian and ukrainian uses same codepage - windows-1251, so if administrator will want to permit mixed rus/ukr nicks - it can select more than one allowed-nickchars (russian-w1251; ukrainian-w1251; etc).
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duplicate of 0002882 acknowledged Configurable CASEMAPPING (Lower/Uppercase with charsets) 
related to 0002739 closed Badwords does not support charsets 
related to 0002987 closed spamfilter, case-insensivite match does not work 



2006-11-01 07:11

reporter   ~0012537

Last edited: 2006-11-01 07:11

P.S. this post is written in windows-1251, so in windows-1252 it may not displayed correctly


2006-11-01 07:16

reporter   ~0012538

and another moment ;) maybe it will be quite good, if there are some option that optionally forbid to mix ASCII and national characters in the nicks, for example english and russian has some characters, that looks similar in windows-1251 ('a' - 'a', 'o' - 'o', etc), so this also can cause confusion - if users will use different nicks, that looks absolutely similar...


2006-11-01 07:39

administrator   ~0012539

On second thought, it seems it's better to use 0002882 for discussion, since it discusses the same, and also includes a patch / explanation.

I'll comment there instead.


2006-11-01 08:00

administrator   ~0012542

I've forked off the comment about ukrainian charset to 0003102, and set you as the reporter.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-11-01 07:08 avb New Issue
2006-11-01 07:11 avb Note Added: 0012537
2006-11-01 07:11 avb Note Edited: 0012537
2006-11-01 07:16 avb Note Added: 0012538
2006-11-01 07:33 syzop Relationship added related to 0002882
2006-11-01 07:33 syzop Relationship added related to 0002739
2006-11-01 07:35 syzop Relationship added related to 0002987
2006-11-01 07:39 syzop Status new => closed
2006-11-01 07:39 syzop Note Added: 0012539
2006-11-01 07:39 syzop Resolution open => duplicate
2006-11-01 07:39 syzop Relationship deleted related to 0002882
2006-11-01 07:39 syzop Relationship added duplicate of 0002882
2006-11-01 08:00 syzop Note Added: 0012542