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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006258unrealircdpublic2023-04-14 07:36
ReporterPeGaSuS Assigned Tosyzop  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version22.04
Fixed in Version6.1.0-rc2 
Summary0006258: UnrealIRCd and TOR
DescriptionSo, lately I've been tinkering about setting up an onion IRC server and I've been faced with a small difficulty...

Since all TOR connections are seen as from localhost and localhost is exempted from almost all checks (antirandom, etc), we can't use a "require authentication" block to force users to connect using SASL.

Possible solutions:

- Make "require authentication" to also block localhost connections, even if they're exempted in the config

- Make the "allow" block to support something like `require-account` in order to force the use of SASL to connect, even from localhost users

There's probably other solutions/ideas but those are the ones I can think off right now.
TagsNo tags attached.
3rd party modules


related to 0005806 resolvedsyzop [5.0.9-git] Localhost IPs ( CIDR) on webirc gives false positive on dronebl dnsbl and stops users from connecting 



2023-04-14 07:36

administrator   ~0022836

Fixed, thanks for the report. Someone already suggested this on IRC weeks before, but you know how it goes... it scrolls off the screen and is forgotten about ;)

commit 8aa004271f69ad2128642da38dbc259300398ff6 (HEAD -> unreal60_dev, origin/unreal60_dev, origin/HEAD)
Author: Bram Matthys <>
Date: Fri Apr 14 07:31:22 2023 +0200

    Ban exempt instead of whole 127.*
    * We now only exempt `` and `::1` by default (hardcoded in the source).
      Previously we exempted whole `127.*` but that gets in the way if you want
      to allow Tor with a
      [require authentication](
      block or soft-ban. Now you can just tell Tor to bind to ``
      so its not affected by the default exemption.
    Reported on IRC and by PeGaSuS in

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-04-12 10:37 PeGaSuS New Issue
2023-04-14 07:31 syzop Relationship added related to 0005806
2023-04-14 07:36 syzop Assigned To => syzop
2023-04-14 07:36 syzop Status new => resolved
2023-04-14 07:36 syzop Resolution open => fixed
2023-04-14 07:36 syzop Fixed in Version => 6.1.0-rc2
2023-04-14 07:36 syzop Note Added: 0022836