unreal - Change Log
Released 2020-01-22
- 0005237: [module api] Provide a way for modules to add flags to chmode +f (syzop)
- 0005535: [ircd] Opers are only joined to the first channel if multiple channels are specified in set::oper-auto-join (syzop)
- 0005528: [ircd] /ELINE flags 'fg' doesn't working at all (syzop)
- 0005458: [ircd] New set::options::spamfilter-ban-ident option (syzop)
- 0005029: [ircd] can you add the manual /kline to ban-include-username yes; (syzop)
- 0003984: [ircd] TKL exemption for SSL certificates. (requested by Veil). (syzop)
- 0005276: [ircd] UnrealIRCD blacklist + antirandom modules doesn't let the user connect in if ban-action is warn,shun,tempshun,kill (syzop)
- 0005524: [ircd] Except Throttle does not work on 5.0.1 (syzop)
8 issues View Issues